Share your thoughts about Wellsford


Business Survey Link

Deadlind extended to 3rd August

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Please note that you will not be able to save a message that includes a website address. We've had to do this to prevent spammers from filling up this visitor book with their dubious advertisments.


Michael Rudd


Hi firstly good to see this site up and running

Hoping someone can tell me where we(town) are at regarding the old library and the various uses proposed and the process to come to some community consensus ? Thanks


Wfd Mowing Services


Even though we are part of Auckland now, we are still a unique rural town with a large catchment area. Generally laid back and relaxed, and yet progressive. The new library is an amazing asset for all ages. As a lawn mowing contractor for over 28 years in Wellsford, I can see we need more facilities for youth and the elderly. Our medical services to this community is outstanding.


Stef Railey


Do you have a business in the district? If so, you may like to take part in a survey being conducted right now. (Note Deadline is now 3rd August, not 20th July). This survey is being done jointly, by Wellsford Promotions and Auckland Council and the purpose of it is to get Wellsford going, to find out how businesses in the area can be more prosperous. If you can spare 10 mins to do this survey, not only will you go in the draw to win a prize, but you will help us to find ways to help your busness grow in the district. Nothing ventured...Nothing Gained hey?!




Welcome to Wellsford and surrounds. Feel free to add your thoughts about the area we love to get feedback, so we can promote our good points and work on the not so good, to make them great too!,